Amanda Woodbury, a fast-rising young soprano, displayed dazzling bel canto technique, excellent intonation and perfectly rounded top notes.
—James L. Paulk, ArtsAtl
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All should hope to be lucky enough to hear more of Ms. Woodbury in the future.
—James Monroe Števko, Operawire

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Woodbury opens up her dramatic coloratura soprano again and again, sparkling on Mozart’s devilish, stunning arias.
— Lindsay Christians, The Cap Times
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Amanda Woodbury, a much-heralded young coloratura, gave the most interesting performance of the evening. The voice is strong and attractive, with a fine trill and a ravishing swell, both building and fading.
— John Yohalem, Parterre Box
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Impeccable intonation and a cushioned approach to every note made her melancholy prison scene in Act II exquisite.
Amanda Woodbury, a soprano headed for greatness, sings the role of Pia with conviction and extraordinary technical virtuosity.
— David Friddle, The Post and Courier
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